Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Battle Is The Lord's

Today I listened to my first preview speaker for the Ultimate Homeschool Expo and WOW! She was amazing!! Her name was Lorrie Flem of Eternal Encouragement Magazine and it was such a blessing!! She opened in prayer and used scripture like a mad woman!! And she really convicted me about feeling like my "little" job as mommy and homemaker wasn't enough!! I was blown away!!! I encourage you to take a look at her site but I also encourage you to grab your ticket for the Expo! even if you aren't a homeschooling parent, these speakers will encourage you as a parent in general. There's another FREE session today so log on and listen!! I'll be there too!! Here's the link to the site to listen for free:

and here's the link to the site to buy your ticket if you decide to:

Hope you enjoy it!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

An Opportunity You Won't Want To Miss!!

As most of you know, this will be my second year homeschooling Braydon. Randy and I had hoped to attend a convention this year for some direction (haha) and to see what some of the vendors had to offer as well as have the opportunity to hear/talk to speakers who have been in the homeschool community for several years. But as with most things lately, the money just was not there and we can't afford to travel to a large convention this year. Of course, as usual, we failed to rely on the fact that God had already worked things out for us before we even knew we needed Him to. FIVE YEARS before we needed Him to actually!!!
That's how long ago some amazing people began the Ultimate Homeschool Expo. Now I'm sure they didn't start it is JUST for Randy and I, but it's really comforting to know that they DID and that it is exactly what we were looking for!! I am going to be able to listen to and chat with some terrific people in the comfort of my own home and even in my jammies if I so choose!! They are offering TONS of door prizes and give aways and will even have a vendor hall. Not to mention all audio will be recorded in case you miss a show!
I know some of the things we as homeschool moms stumble upon on the web can be a little "iffy" but let me assure you, this is something you won't want to miss! My cousin, Cyndi Kinney, who writes homeschool material is a speaker, and the owner of the Expo is her publisher and let me tell you these ladies are phenomenal!! I don't know how I would have EVER gotten things off the ground for myself and Braydon last year without Cyndi's wisdom and encouragement, and the wonderfully encouraging emails I get from Felice (just as a subscriber) are terrific! Plus, Cyndi speaks so highly of her I feel like I know her myself! I also subscribe to EVERYTHING Cindy Rushton does (another speaker and former owner of the Expo) and she is such a down to earth, all on the table Godly woman that I can't wait to hear what she has in store for us this year!!
I encourage you to just stop by the site and take a look. The ticket price is so inexpensive that you almost can't say no. But go look around, google some of the speakers, I promise you won't be disappointed!
Here's a link... Enjoy!

Friday, April 22, 2011

That's My Boy!!

For those of you who have read this blog in the past, you are aware that from time to time my kid get words mixed up, jumbled up or just flats makes them up to fit his needs. Well here are a couple or stories you are going to love!!
Story number one: We have ripped up most of the carpet throughout our home due to Braydon's allergies, but in our living room we have an average size area rug that catches the random airsoft pellet, blade of grass or lego that you can't see until you have two little circles tattooed on the bottom of your foot. Well the other night Braydon was walking across the living room and winced in pain. As he bent down to pick-up what had stabbed his foot he says "Darn hedgehogs!"
You may be thinking to you yourself... Hedgehogs??? In the rug??? Do we even HAVE hedgehogs in West Texas? Well my dear friends what he was actually referring to was a goat head! LOL Why he thought it was called a hedgehog I will never know. BUT, they will forever be called hedgehogs in our house!

Okay, story number two: My parents have recently decided to join the rest of the country and jump into the age of technology that we have all be in for some time now. They got rid of what I called their jitterbugs and both got iPhones. Well the other night we were in their living room and my dad and I were both texting on our phones. As you can imagine I was texting rather quickly and my dad was just creeping along. My husband chuckles a bit and comments how funny it is that I'm able to text so fast and my dad still has to "hunt and peck".
Well several days later I receive a LONG text from my dad and my husband I are joking about how long it probably took him to type it and from the back seat Braydon comments "Yeah, chicken and peck, chicken and peck." Randy and I about died. This kid is a riot!! If I could remember to write down HALF of the stuff he says, I'd be rich!!
Anyway, hope this brightened your day a little! :) It brightened mine just thinking about it all again as I typed it.