Today I woke up with a LARGE Migraine!! I have no doubt I owe a big thanks to all the crazy stress in my life lately mainly the illness of family and friends. I believe that God is shaping me though and now more than ever I am learning to reach out to him for needs of those around me other than just my own. Don't get me wrong, I have always prayed for others, but never like I have in the last few weeks. I have felt such a tug lately to get on my knees for each and every person I know who is struggling. My heart is breaking for the people around and I am yearning to help in a way I have never felt before. That being said, it's difficult to know of someone's struggles, go to the Lord on their behalf and not take on some of the very worry, grief or pain that you are praying for relief of. So as I rolled out of bed this morning I thought "Not today... I just don't need this today." And then, as the day went on so did my headache; but just now, as I sat down to check my email I remembered something amazing. Tonight is the UHSE Mommy Jammy Night! Why is that such a big deal you ask? Well, it's a big deal to ME because it means headache or not, I get to spend a couple of hours chatting with other christian moms all around the country who are dealing with all the same things I am. They encourage me, pray for me and help me remember why it's important to pray "outside the box"! I take comfort in knowing that these women take time in their own quiet time to pray for me and my struggles, and that not only makes me want to pray for others, it makes me excited to get to share in those trials and carry some of the burden.
When you get bogged down by the sadness of your pray list remember Paul and his excitement as he wrote to each of his churches time and time again. He prayed for them with such fervor and confidence! Even in times of sadness or letters or reprimand Paul still expressed JOY!! He KNEW that God was in control! He never let the struggles of the people get in the way of his excitement for what God was doing in the world.
I am so grateful for all my new mommy friends that help me to remember just that...
~"Don't let ANYTHING get in the way of your excitement for what God is doing in the world!"~
Wow, so motivating and inspiring! I think tonight I am going to read something from Paul. Thank you friend for reminding us about the excitement of what God IS doing. Love you friend.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Candie! I too had a migraine in the night and was sick most of today, but by the grace of God I feel so much better. I feel sorry for all those who don't know how important prayer is!! Whatever would I do without Christ?!
ReplyDeleteI love this post and put it out on my facebook page. Thanks again!