Friday, November 9, 2012

Count Your Many Blessing!

When I was a little girl every couple of months we would have a Sunday evening service that was JUST singing hymns. I LOVED these nights so much! The first few songs were chosen by the minister and his wife to get us started and then the congregation would call out titles and page numbers as each song came to an end. My very favorite song was Count Your Many Blessing, and I can even remember that it was page number 539. As I got older if was kinda of a joke with the adult members who came to KNOW that I would request number 539 every single time.

Well here I am all these years later and once again I'm calling on number 539! 

I had an amazing visit earlier this week with two beautiful women from my church who prayed over me and just blessed me so much! As we talked they suggested getting a few members of the church to bring me meals a couple of times a week, just to take the load off of Randy some. No more than an hour after they left I had already received an email with the line up of meals for the next few days. My heart just melted! The response was such a quick one! I was blown away by these beautiful women who stepped up to care for my family and I.

Later that afternoon I got a call from another sweet friend and member of my church. She too had gotten the call to help out, but was going to be out of town for a while so she asked if she could bring by some freezer meals and a few staples for easy lunches and snacks. All of this was a huge blessing but also hard for me to accept because I hate to feel weak or dependent on others. After all, I'm the helper! I'm the one that makes meals an runs errands! I'm the caretaker! However, I did agree and she was off to the store.
I was at the vet with a sick puppy when she came by to drop things off, and I never expected to see what was waiting for me at home. My refrigerator, freezer and pantry are now full to the brim! I even have snacks and stuff stored on the craft table for now because I had no more room in the kitchen! Can you believe that? I couldn't! I was in complete shock! Braydon was elated! He kept coming into the kitchen saying "Mom, this is just too much!", "Mom, oh my gosh!", "Mom, you've GOT to call and thank her! This is just too much!"

When I FINALLY got everything put away and sat down to call her, she said something that touched my heart and changed the whole meaning of counting your blessings! She told me not to deny others the blessing of helping me. I had honestly not thought of it like that - ever. Those few words gave me such a peace about letting others take care of me for a while! I am so grateful for this precious church family of mine and for the things they are teaching me!

Are you allowing others to bless you when you're in need? If not, I recommend you start. Blessings are not just things you have received but also things you are able to do for others... or let them do for YOU!


  1. You are the precious one Anne!! I am so blessed to have you as my friend!! Thank you!!

  2. I wish I was there to bless you and help you during your down time......miss u my sweet friend

  3. What a blessing indeed, for all. Thank you for sharing this with me. <3

    My husband's name is Randy too :-D

    --- Gina Marie
